Philo and Gunge: You are in the presence of the all-knowing trash heap. Yeah. The trash heap knows all. The trash heap says all. Marjory: Let’s face it, boys. The trash heap is all. Philo and Gunge: Too true! Marjory: I am orange peels! I am coffee grounds! I am wisdom. Gobo: Greetings, Madame Heap. Marjory: And I know what this Fraggle has. Philo and Gunge: Well, of course you do! You’re all-knowing. Marjory: I know that! This young Fraggle has trouble. Philo and Gunge: Troubles? Gobo: I am bringing you my troubles. I’m sorry. Marjory: Sorry, what’s to be sorry? Trouble’s my favorite thing. 1717 Fraggle Rock, “Beginnings,” retrieved from here, 24:50, December 26, 2019, (accessed on September 8, 2021).